Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to be a EPF Secret Agent

I knew many of you , especially beginners , don't know how to be a secret agent.Well you have to do these:

1. Ask someone to invite you to be a secret agent.
2. If you receive a blank invitation read it using your mouse then find the button "Go There!" then click it.
3. After clicking it , you will directly head to the Everyday Phoning Facility
4. Click the telephone . Then hit the target with snowballs.
5. Then a screen will appear it will talk to you.
6. After that , walk to the green square.
7. Then run to the red square. I don't know what's the technique to be fast. Well do your best.
8. Walk away on the red square. To hide hit the camera 2 with snowball and hide on the down-right corner
9. The screen will ask you to walk on the blue square , don't do it! Just throw snowball to it or throw snowball to the energy power or don't do anything.
10. You are now a secret agent now walk on the elevator.

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